You know how we have been discussing SEO lately? Well, since Google is releasing Project Magi, SEO and keywords will be even more important for helping your website get traffic.

Project Magi in a nutshell is Google’s response to the new AI developments and demands as well as potentially losing Samsung as a client to it. If you know you know that Samsung has released that they might make Bing the default browser for Galaxy devices in replacement of Google.

Therefore, Google is creating a new AI search engine similar to Alexa to optimize search and make it feel more like having a conversation rather than just using a computer.

Project Magi does not currently have a set date or a ton of detail but digital marketing expert, Neil Patel, breaks it down to help understand what we can expect and how it will affect businesses with ads, digital marketing or purchasing anything online and for pretty much anyone who uses Google (which is everyone).

We’ll keep you up to date the more we learn and if we handle your ads or website, don’t worry. We are SEO and digital marketing experts, your website is in good hands.